Raging bull netflix
Raging bull netflix

raging bull netflix

The most notable feature of this commentary is the inclusion of Scorsese's most vital collaborator, his long-time editor, Thelma Schoonmaker. Its an interesting and reasonably well made film, which I'd recommend on that basis.There is no more passionate cinephile than the great Martin Scorsese, and that passion is on full display in the commentary for one of his many masterpieces. Regardless of all that, yes I would recommend this film, for the fact its in black and white and that gives it a somewhat classic type of a feel to it but I wouldn't raise your expectations especially high either. Personally, The King of Comedy is my favourite film of his but that's just my opinion of course. I quite enjoyed watching it to see De Niro as a much younger actor at the time, if for no other reason. To me, I wouldn't say its one of the best films around but its certainly not bad either. Nowadays there are so many sports films but I know that this one is particularly well regarded.

raging bull netflix

There are, I suppose, some predictable elements to the plot but it felt a mostly well made film, with a clear message in terms of the downside to making a sport your passionate about, the main focus in life.

raging bull netflix

Goodness knows how many women have been in her position - I wouldn't wish that on anyone. I also found myself feeling quite frustrated and sorry for the wife, Vickie La Motta (played by Cathy Moriarty). I quite liked how honest and straightforward Joey was, as a character. However, Robert De Niro undoubtedly gives a decent performance in the main role and almost equally so does Joe Pesci as Joey. First off, I can't not mention that a lot of the dialogue seemed rather mumbled or otherwise spoken somewhat quickly and quietly, which while it may have a certain authenticity to it, I did find it a little hard to follow everything said at times, which is never ideal for me, as a viewer. First off, I can't not mention that a lot of the dialogue seemed rather mumbled or otherwise I hadn't realised this film is in black and white throughout - that and the widescreen format gives it the look and somewhat feel of a much earlier 20th century film (given it was released in 1980). I hadn't realised this film is in black and white throughout - that and the widescreen format gives it the look and somewhat feel of a much earlier 20th century film (given it was released in 1980).

Raging bull netflix